Monday, August 26, 2019

A Jumpstart!

   Wow...I sat down thinking "I should update our blog, it hasn't been that long." Ha! Try over a year! I make no apologies for the sudden super extra business of our life, chances are if you are friends of ours on Facebook, you've caught the highlights. But since one of the huge big wonderful things going on was the addition of our spunky little girl, it didn't feel appropriate for the blog to just be named for Glen and I. We're a family of three now so...voila! New name, new design *oooohhhh ahhh* I know...I know...hold your applause.

   So I'll fill in on what's happening Glen just hit his two year mark at Aliera Healthcare. In those two years his position has changed several times, he's learned a lot, and earned his health and life insurance license. He's worked with some really good people who have taught him a lot. When it comes to personal business aspirations, he's always got something going on and that creative entrepreneurial river runs deep. So he's always got a project here, there or somewhere. He is a wonderful Daddy who loves to play with his girl, and she loves him right back. As soon as she started saying "Dada" I was pretty sure she would get whatever she wanted with a bat of her pretty eyes and that one word. Every morning she crawls into our room, pulls herself up on the side of our bed frame and peeks to see if he's there; and when he comes home she gets to him as fast as possible. They're two peas in a pod.
   As for me, I am adjusting to stay at home mommy-hood. It's a very strange change in my day to day life. I love it but it takes getting used to. I've never been one that does well feeling like she's not doing as much. I know...raising Casey every day is work. Like exhausting. But I have also been trying to figure out this whole "self-care" business people have been telling me about for a while. Hobbies? What are those? nothing. I'm thinking back to the last time I had a hobby; turns out I was like 11. But I loved to read! So I've been getting back into reading for fun instead of just teaching books. I've done pretty well so far! I've started bullet journaling which has helped me keep organized, but my bullet journal has become more of a day planner type thing than a creative outlet. Turns out my creative side, not so strong. I can barely doodle. BUT my colored pen game is STRONG so I have that. Need a pen? Name a color and ink type preference, I've got you covered!

   Casey is beautiful, crazy, independent, sassy, stubborn, with a mind and personality of her own! We see it more every day. So far she eats anything and everything we put in front of her and loves drinking out of a straw. Sippy cups and bottles are not her thing, but she does love those straws! She is still nursing and my being home has caused her to be out of practice using a bottle and therefore she won't take one. So we're working on that....kind of. I always said I'd stop nursing after she got teeth and I just haven't stopped. On one hand I super don't want to spend a ton of money on formula and on the other I love the bonding time with her. She is so crazy fast when she crawls and puts anything and E V E R Y T H I N G in her mouth! Including a gel silica packet. Enter baby's first call to poison control. In case anyone is wondering, they're not toxic. Hurray! She pulls herself up to standing constantly but hasn't really attempted walking much. We're not in any hurry for that. I figure eventually she'll be like "hey...this seems cool!" That's what she did with crawling. Also any toy that shakes and rattles is the best, so we have a million different kinds of rattles.

   Anywhoooo....that's us for now! I'm toying with the idea of doing a personal blog just for fun. No particular purpose in mind just as a creative outlet I can do! No drawing involved there, just typing. Luckily for me I am a pretty solid typer. Add that to my talent list!

   Oh wait...tomorrow is our EIGHTH wedding anniversary! Go us! What a whirlwind these 8 years have been. Nowhere near what we thought they'd be but so much better. So here's to the past eight years and an eternity more with a man who is far more patient with me than anyone ever could be!

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