Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's Been A Long Time!

   Hello everyone! We realize it has been a long time since we have posted (almost a year). There is no sense in trying to recap everything that has happened in that time because it would take forever, it would be really long, and let's be one wants to read that much about anyone! We will say it has been a tough year for a variety of reasons but we are excited about moving forward and meeting the adventures and things waiting for us down the line.
   Glen graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications. He also started a job he very much enjoys at a place called GST where he works with police officers and firemen to help them order their duty gear. I am working at Things Remembered now as a sales associate and engraver. I transferred from BYU-Idaho to University of Texas at Arlington and I will start in the fall. I have a year to finish up the core credits and take a big ol' ugly test so that I can dive in to the 2 year education program.
   While we aren't recapping everything from the year, I think Glen would agree with me when I say that the song attached sums it up pretty nicely. Enjoy the rest of your summer!