Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our Challenge Results

   I am having some serious trouble putting into words what my thoughts are after the challenge. I guess my final thoughts are that the leap of faith and those first few days of struggling were totally worth it. It wasn't super easy at first but it became second nature and we love the products. Just for kicks and giggles, on the first day after our challenge was over I decided to see how much of an effect spark had by not having any all day. Let me tell ya.....ZZZzzzzzz. I love my spark. We have tried Slam recently too and that was awesome as well without the caffeine, if that makes a difference to you.
   I have never felt healthier. Not only has my size changed but my mindset has too. I see a candy bar and think "that would taste really good...but I have worked hard to feel the way I do and I don't want to go back." I am sure we'll have treats every once and a while but not at all like before. I feel so much more confident. I don't mind trying on clothes and I like the way I feel in my own. I like that the pair of jeans I used to wear all the time don't stay up! Not for a TMI moment but I can take them off without unbuttoning them. Wow! I have lost weight and inches and gained muscle and I love it! I have smaller numbers than Glen but the confidence and the kick start it gave me is like none other. I needed that. We needed that. I have seen myself have more energy. Overall, I stay awake all day every day and I sleep well at night. We got into an awesome routine and we have been just happier.
   As a wife, you always want to see your husband happy and confident. Glen has been notable happier and just in a better mood. I see him excited about his loss and he is excited to say " pants won't stay up and my belt is cinched as tight as it can go!" That makes me so happy! But here are my results. These are my results compared to before we started.
End of Challenge Weigh In:
Weight: 141.5 lbs (-7.5 lbs)
Right Arm: 9 3/4 in. (-1 1/4 in.)
Shoulders: 41 1/2 in.(-1 1/2 in.)
Chest: 38 in. (-1 in.)
Waist: 31 in.
Hips: 39 3/4 in. (-1/4 in.)
Right Thigh: 20 in.  (-1 in.)
Right Calf:13 1/2 in. (+1/2 in.)
Total loss: 7.5 lbs and approx. 4 in.

   The last 24 days have really opened up my eyes in regards to how out of control my eating had been. At the start of the challenge I was concerned that I was not going to be able to keep up with everything that the challenge required but as I began the challenge with my wife and the days went by faster and faster, the better I started to feel and the more energy I began to have. Work started to get easier and from what I could tell I believe I got the best sleep that I have in years. 
    After high school when I started working for a job that kept me sedentary I was eating the same that I was even during high school but I was not as active as I had been and that is pretty much how it went up until 24 days ago. Besides the healthy factor for me this became more than just the weight loss and losing inches on my waist. For me this turned into a huge bonding experience with my wife. We worked together to accomplish a goal and it was time we got to spend together each morning and night and we of course would encourage each other to be the very best we can be. 
   In my own perspective I feel like our marriage has been strengthened. I love seeing Aimee be so confident in herself and I love hearing her talk to her friends and family about how the products have helped change her. Seeing her be so excited about shopping again for new clothes makes me smile. Seeing her smile makes me smile. 
   Now I am going to extend a challenge to each of you and Aimee may do this again at the end but for those that are still reading this I strongly suggest that you at least take the time to learn more about the 24 day challenge. We are here to help you reach your goals. As Aimee has mentioned before I own an Online Graphic Apparel shop and for each you that do the 24 day challenge I will send you a free t-shirt up to a $20 value as well. You will never be alone in the challenge Aimee and I will encourage you and be there the entire time. If you have questions or concerns, need some advice you will be able to message us and talk to us. I promise you if you take the time and commit your life will be changed in a multitude of ways. The physical results are below, compared to when we started:
End of Challenge Weigh In
Weight: 219.8 lbs. (-11 lbs.)
Right Arm: 15 3/4 in. (+1/4 in.)
Shoulders: 52 3/4 in. (-3 3/4 in.)
Chest: 46 in.
Waist: 44 1/2 in. (-2 1/2 in.)
Hips: 42 1/2 in. (-2 1/2 in.)
Right Thigh: 20 1/4 in. (-3 3/4 in.)
Right Calf:16 in.
Total loss: 11 lbs and 12 1/4 in.

   I am adding the photo below of Glen as well because the pants he is wearing (this picture was taken on day 18) were ones that before we started he said were too tight to even try to really wear all day. He wore these on a date and they were loose!
   We have been so blessed by this challenge and we would love for the ones we love and who love us to feel the way we do! If you have questions, ask! If we don't know the answers, we'll find them. If you wanna try some of the amazing spark, we can send you some! Take a risk, you will not regret it! We certainly don't!! Thanks for coming along on our journey! We will keep going and keep you informed because we both have goals to continue and here they are:
In the next 3 months:
- Glen wants to be under 200 lbs.
- Aimee wants to be back to her pre-wedding weight
- Both of us want to tone up and build some more muscle

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Second to Last Weigh and Measure

 Alright everyone! Most of my thoughts are on my last post. I am just very focused on how to continue with progress after the actual challenge is over. But here are my measurements for day 18. Disclaimer: we were wearing somewhat different clothes than we normally wear when measuring. Our next weigh and measure will be after the challenge is all over! But here are my results compared to my last weight in:
Day 18 Weigh In
Weight: 141.8 lbs. (-1.3 lbs)
Right Arm: 10 3/4 in. (+ 3/4 in.)
Shoulders: 42 1/2 in.
Chest: 39 in. (+1/4 in)
Waist: 31 in.
Hips: 39 3/4 in.
Right Thigh: 20 1/4 in. (-3/4 in.)
Right Calf: 13 1/4 in. (+1/4 in.)
   Some may see the gain in inches and think it's not working. But I know for sure that those are gains in muscle because those are parts of my body where I have seen a difference and that I have made gains in. For example I went up 10 lbs in what I can lift at the gym and I have seen a change in the definition of my arms. I am also able to do more weight with my legs for more reps. Still a super successful week!

   Another successful week in regards to the challenge. You will see below that I am losing a lot of inches in every area of my body and I have lost more pounds this week. I attribute that to the fact of doing a more intense work out. With it being only one more week until we are done with this challenge I hope that those who are continuing to follow our progress are seeing that this is a challenge that requires your full focus and attention and that if you stick to it, results will soon follow. 

Day 18 Weigh In
Weight: 222.5 lbs. (-4.6 lbs)
Right Arm: 16 in.
Shoulders: 52 3/4 in. (+2 3/4)
Chest: 46 in. (-1 in.)
Waist: 44 3/4 in. (-1 3/4 in.)
Hips: 43 in. (-1 in.)
Right Thigh: 22 3/4 in. (+1 1/4 in.)
Right Calf: 16 1/2 in. (+1/2 in.)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

But What Happens When the Challenge is Over?

   Just a heads up, this is going to be mostly Aimee writing. I am sure Glen echos a lot of the thoughts in it, but it's mostly me. Glen and I were talking last night about how when this challenge started we were not necessarily one hundred percent excited; we were excited about the possibility but we were sure that these 24 days would last forever. Now we're sitting here thinking "holy smokes! our challenge is done on Thursday. This Thursday!" I cannot even believe how fast it's gone and how much my results have surpassed not only my expectations, but even what I heard everyone else saying.
   When we've posted the last few times about our results it has been pretty number focused, which is fine but numbers aren't the only measure of success. Plus, if there is a huge emphasis on numbers others may only judge their success based on the numbers and I don't want that! I know what it is like to work your butt off and be so careful about what you eat then to get on the scale and see I've lost .3 pounds or even sometimes gained pounds. It makes you heart sick. It makes you feel like all your efforts aren't even worth it so why bother trying? I get it. But this challenge has been different than anything I have ever tried.
   The numbers are cool to see and they definitely make me excited but even more than that I am very aware of the difference in how I feel. I am not tired all the time; I have more energy than I have in a long time. When I am tired it is because it is the end of the day and I have worked hard; it's not because I have sat still for 20 minutes or longer and just passed out. I used to hate looking in the mirror because I felt just so entirely unattractive. I stuck to: "Is my hair crazy? Is there something in my teeth? Do my clothes match?" Now I don't mind because I can actually see a difference in my body. You have no idea how big of a deal that is for me. I want to go to the gym. I have more endurance and I am stronger than before and I can see that in my performance at the gym. I can go longer and I can lift more. I only had one pair of shorts so I went to get another pair on my lunch break and for the first time in about four years I did not have to get a size up-I had to get a size down! For the first time in forever I got to say to Glen "they didn't fit...I need to get a smaller size." It was cool to see the smile on his face because he knew how much that meant to me too.
   I feel comfortable in my own skin; I don't just feel "gross" anymore. I know that sounds vague but I think you probably get what I am saying. Before even when I was doing things right there would be that time where I saw a Dairy Queen advertisement and was like "I'm getting me some ice cream!" Sure there are times that I am like "a brownie would taste good right now" or something like that but then I think about how I feel and I don't want to mess that up. Am I saying that I will never have another treat again or anything else? No, because that isn't realistic but I can say that it won't be like before. Before it wasn't an occasional treat, it was a daily treat. A large daily treat.
   Which is why I have found myself anxious about what happens come day 25. The inner organization freak in me has loved having everything laid out for me with that lovely guide book and that same organization freak is worried about what happens when the book is over. I know of course to keep eating healthy with the portion sizes and everything but what else? I kind of feel like I am reaching the end of a rehab program because I am leaving the security of planned and regimented which I work really well with.
   Those who know me well know that I am a lot like my Grandpa Friday in that I am not an easy sell. I am that obnoxious person who will ask 15,000 questions about why I should get something that you're selling me and usually even if you answer them I still won't do anything until I have done my own research and weighed my options. That being said, these products have made such a difference to me and my husband that I want to share that with others. If you have questions about AdvoCare or you're curious but have budgetary concerns please contact me! You can message me on Facebook, email me, or text me. If you want to try something, let me know and we will figure it out. It's worth taking the risk, I promise! I will be nothing but honest with you, and if I can't answer your questions I will get us in touch with someone who can.
   This has gotten long enough, so I will end it here. Tomorrow or Saturday we will post some more results. But I really wanted to show that these products have made a difference for me. A difference that I haven't felt from anything else. Until then...later!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Half Way Through the Challenge

   So I swore this challenge was going to last forever. I thought it would feel like a century; like the Joan Jett concert I went to (which was like a hostage situation...I hear she's gotten better though). But it has actually gone by pretty quick, we're already on day twelve! Holy crap! The cleanse phase was the first ten days so we're done with that which I am not bumming over at all. Now I can have milk! Only a little but a little is better than none, right? Right. I certainly have no amorous feelings toward that fiber drink so I am not mourning no longer having to chug it while holding my nose like a four year old taking cough medicine. As if that wasn't attractive enough, the crazy rambling "it's just orange juice...don't think about it...just orange juice" over and over again added extra spirit to it. It's really not that bad, the sensitive gag reflex made it worse. It also helped that after I drank the fiber drink I brushed my teeth...and my tongue..and the roof of my mouth. I would have brushed my uvula if I could have reached that far; I wanted no remaining fiber drink essence. I know I am not really "selling" it well, but I hear the peaches and cream flavor is better and I don't generally like citrus stuff anyways. But for the two minutes of fiber unpleasantness the cleanse was awesome! My skepticism is gone, and that's not easy for me to say. To give you an idea, Glen always says if someone can sell something to me they can sell it to anybody. I am a practical and fact based person and I cannot deny the facts, which are:
1. I feel so healthy. I used to have days, pretty much weekly, where I would say to Glen "I feel gross." It wasn't like the kind of gross where I was actually sick, I just felt gross. I didn't want to do anything, I was tired, and I thrived on junk food which made me feel gross-er. The past almost two weeks I haven't really said that. The first couple days felt kind of strange because my body was adjusting but once it hit like day four that was gone.
2. I have more energy; I don't fall asleep at the drop of a hat when I sit down. I am able to focus better. It's not cause I'm guzzling Spark either, I only have one a day and usually it's at about 6:30 or so in the morning. Glen isn't falling asleep every time he sits down and both of us work in retail so we move around constantly. 
3. The products aren't gross! Well...fiber drink aside (but that's because of my taste). The Spark seriously tastes like kool-aid and it's not the kind of energy drink that makes you feel all jittery and spazzy. It really just kind of wakes you up a little and sharpens your ability to focus. Which I have truly tested because anyone who knows me knows that before now the focus thing didn't really happen before 8 am (and that's being generous). The meal replacement shakes taste like cake and an actual milkshake. Which speaks to the inner junk food junkie.

  So my first thoughts on the Max phase which is what the next fourteen days are that there is a lot that you take but all of it is multivitamins, omega 3's, etc. (more info here). But I am so excited to see what the next twelve days bring! Yesterday we measured and weighed; this week my loss was in pounds rather than inches; no complaints here! Here are my results (as compared to my last weigh in):
Day 11 Weigh In
Weight: 143.1 lbs (-2.2 lbs)
Right Arm: 10 in.
Shoulders: 42 1/2 in.
Chest: 38 3/4 in.
Waist: 31 in.
Hips: 39 3/4 in.
Right Thigh: 21 in.
Right Calf: 13 in.
Total Loss: 2.2 lbs 

  With this challenge being half way over and only 2 more weeks to go I can honestly say that I am feeling the best I have in a quite a while. The cleanse phase thank goodness was only ten days however after the 5th day it started to get easier. 

   The last few days have been rather difficult due to the fact that where I work has picked up quite a bit so being able to follow the program to a T is not so easy to do and it has been extremely frustrating because I have worked so hard to even get to this point and I do not want to do anything to mess it up. I have learned though that it is important to keep pressing forward and do it to the best of your ability. In my own opinion this challenge is meant to get you back into good habits even when your situation is forcing you to do otherwise and that is of course where most people run into their problems but as you will see from my results doing the best I could with what I got still produced some pretty great results. Hard work does pay off. Lost some pounds and inches and gained some muscle!
Day 11 Weigh In
Weight: 227.1 lbs (-2.9 lbs)
Right Arm: 16 in.
Shoulders: 50 in. (-4.5 in.)
Chest: 47 in.
Waist: 46 1/2 in. (-1/2 in.)
Hips: 44 in. (-1 in.)
Right Thigh: 21 1/2 in. (-1/4 in.)
Right Calf: 16 in.