I am having some serious trouble putting into words what my thoughts are after the challenge. I guess my final thoughts are that the leap of faith and those first few days of struggling were totally worth it. It wasn't super easy at first but it became second nature and we love the products. Just for kicks and giggles, on the first day after our challenge was over I decided to see how much of an effect spark had by not having any all day. Let me tell ya.....ZZZzzzzzz. I love my spark. We have tried Slam recently too and that was awesome as well without the caffeine, if that makes a difference to you.

As a wife, you always want to see your husband happy and confident. Glen has been notable happier and just in a better mood. I see him excited about his loss and he is excited to say "baby...my pants won't stay up and my belt is cinched as tight as it can go!" That makes me so happy! But here are my results. These are my results compared to before we started.
End of Challenge Weigh In:
Weight: 141.5 lbs (-7.5 lbs)
Right Arm: 9 3/4 in. (-1 1/4 in.)
Shoulders: 41 1/2 in.(-1 1/2 in.)
Chest: 38 in. (-1 in.)
Waist: 31 in.
Hips: 39 3/4 in. (-1/4 in.)
Right Thigh: 20 in. (-1 in.)
Total loss: 7.5 lbs and approx. 4 in.

After high school when I started working for a job that kept me sedentary I was eating the same that I was even during high school but I was not as active as I had been and that is pretty much how it went up until 24 days ago. Besides the healthy factor for me this became more than just the weight loss and losing inches on my waist. For me this turned into a huge bonding experience with my wife. We worked together to accomplish a goal and it was time we got to spend together each morning and night and we of course would encourage each other to be the very best we can be.
In my own perspective I feel like our marriage has been strengthened. I love seeing Aimee be so confident in herself and I love hearing her talk to her friends and family about how the products have helped change her. Seeing her be so excited about shopping again for new clothes makes me smile. Seeing her smile makes me smile.

End of Challenge Weigh In
Weight: 219.8 lbs. (-11 lbs.)
Right Arm: 15 3/4 in. (+1/4 in.)
Shoulders: 52 3/4 in. (-3 3/4 in.)
Chest: 46 in.
Waist: 44 1/2 in. (-2 1/2 in.)
Hips: 42 1/2 in. (-2 1/2 in.)
Right Thigh: 20 1/4 in. (-3 3/4 in.)
Right Calf:16 in.
Total loss: 11 lbs and 12 1/4 in.
I am adding the photo below of Glen as well because the pants he is wearing (this picture was taken on day 18) were ones that before we started he said were too tight to even try to really wear all day. He wore these on a date and they were loose!
We have been so blessed by this challenge and we would love for the ones we love and who love us to feel the way we do! If you have questions, ask! If we don't know the answers, we'll find them. If you wanna try some of the amazing spark, we can send you some! Take a risk, you will not regret it! We certainly don't!! Thanks for coming along on our journey! We will keep going and keep you informed because we both have goals to continue and here they are:
In the next 3 months:
- Glen wants to be under 200 lbs.
- Aimee wants to be back to her pre-wedding weight
- Both of us want to tone up and build some more muscle
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