Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So when I said "New Challenges"... I wasn't kidding.

   Well...I think to say that this past month or so has been a whirlwind would be a huge understatement. I think this has been one of the most challenging times that I alone have had to face, not to mention Glen and I as a new couple. We're both doing full time school which takes up time and we're both looking for jobs. Glen actually had a job not too long ago but they had him working from 3-11:30pm and he was on mandatory over time for the following six weeks at least. This wouldn't have been a big deal however it had him working almost 60 hrs a week, 7 days a week and when you are a full time student that doesn't work. Glen started seeing his grades slip which was not okay with either of us, so we both felt that him getting his degree was our priority so we decided that he needed to find a more 9-5ish job. So the job hunt continues...
   Aside from that in our family and personal lives have gone absolutely batty. The past month or so Glen and I have had to be apart for about two and a half weeks which of course is nothing compared to military families but it was not easy. I have an Aunt back in New York whose cancer became terminal but got rapidly worse which inspired an emergency trip to New York. My sisters and I had to say goodbye to her which is one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. It was even harder because Glen was still in Texas. It probably would've been slightly easier to take if I could've had a Glen hug.
   About a week or so before I had to make my emergency trip to New York I had to have laparoscopic surgery for possible endometriosis. They did find some but were able to cauterize the spots pretty quickly and efficiently; I was very blessed to have an incredibly understanding and intuitive doctor who listened to all the things I had been complaining about for months and give us answers. I had been feeling sick since about a month or two after we got married and we complained about the myriad of symptoms to several doctors in Idaho all of which were essentially useless. They all basically threw their hands in the air and chalked it up to a hormone imbalance. About 2 or so weeks after we got to Texas my symptoms got worse-frequent dizzy spells, exhausted, and abdominal pain. After a late night visit to the emergency room for intense abdomen pain we finally got a hint at some answers and a few weeks later we knew what it was and had the solution worked out. I was a combination of grateful for the doctor and medical staff who helped us here, angry with the medical staff we saw in Rexburg, and relieved. So now I am fully recovered from the surgery and from here we start the medicinal treatment. For the next six months I will be going through rounds of shots to treat it and prevent it for a little while. I got my first one today and it wasn't that bad (thank goodness!). But we did find out that this would be something that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. So we will take it as it comes.
   So we're going to be constantly on the move and there's a lot coming up the pike for us so....stay tuned!!
Hope you're life is a little less hectic than ours...and if it's not...we hope it's crazy in a good way!

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." 
-Japanese Proverb


  1. That is surely a lot of challenges. Sounds like the Lord is trying to see what you're made of! He will find you are both tough as nails! WE love you!
