Hello everyone! Things are going well! We've enjoyed our first summer in Texas, but we're ready for the heat to break and to get into fall. This has been a crazy summer!
Things at Nordstrom are going well. Being at customer service is a little more challenging than I thought it would be, but it's pushing me out of my comfort zone and I think I'll be better for it. Plus, the extra money doesn't hurt. I really like working with the customers and I haven't had many angry ones, which is always nice. I work with a good group of girls too which makes it a lot of fun!
Glen got a job too! He is a full-time, work at home Neiman Marcus customer service representative. He's in training right now, but then will be working nights. This works out really well because normally my shifts at work are closing ones. But we are grateful for that other source of income!
Just before our 1 year anniversary we went to an awesome concert (Loverboy, Pat Benetar, and Journey). It was really nice to be able to share something that I like to do with Glen. We had a really good time and had a lot of laughs with my family. We celebrated our anniversary with a tasty breakfast, and spent a lot of time doing what we used to do when we were dating-playing card games! We had so much fun and we laughed a lot! Then we had dinner and ate a delicious cake that my sister Megan made for us! We had been saying how we each only got one bite of our wedding cake so she made us a delicious replica!
Glen's parents came to visit us this past weekend! It was great to spend time with them some more, and we got to celebrate Corrine's birthday! I am just bummed that I had to work half the time.Thanks for coming, guys!
School starts on Monday and we are really anxious to get started! It's Glen's last semester so he's looking forward to get it started, and get it done! I however have always just been a nerd and am looking forward to working on school stuff again! :)
Short and sweet. But thanks for all the love and support!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Up and then down again...
Hello Friends. Sorry it's been a little longer than normal between posts. Things got really crazier (believe it or not). I posted last time that we found the apartment that we wanted to move into and were making preparations for that. That's still true. We verified that the apartment was looking good, then we signed a lease. That was awesome for us and we were very very excited! But that excitement didn't last very long because the day after we signed our lease (of course) Glen was let go from Vandergriff Toyota. This was really disappointing because Glen was working really hard and trying really hard. The overall reasoning behind it they said was "lack of production." Which isn't really true; he brought lots of people in and several wanted to talk numbers, but he'd go to ask the managers to talk numbers with them and they'd say "we won't talk numbers until they're committed to buy." But like any shopper knows, you don't commit to buying something without knowing the price. Then when Glen would start to get to a negotiating point and he'd ask for help from his manager, he'd tell Glen to "...be vague. I don't want them to pin me down to anything." Glen didn't like this at all because he was trying to be honest and sell a car without shanghaiing the customer. He felt (and I agree) that that was just about the same thing as lying, and taking advantage of the customer. He did sell a car within his first month, but they expected him to sell 4-6 within his first month without really any training. So, while I am not really excited about being on one income, I am proud that he was let go for having too much integrity.
Thus it goes without saying that while we were excited to move into our new apartment, the timing was not ideal. So Glen is back on the job hunt; we're hoping he'll have one soon because he's working with a staffing agency called Burnett's Staffing and they've sent his information to a few different places. We hope to hear from them soon. Shortly after Glen lost his job, on his way to a meeting with Burnett's, he had a little incident. I was at home and had just woken up and was eating breakfast (after he had left for his meeting) and Glen came busting through the door with one of my shirts wrapped around his hand and very upset. I ask him what had happened and moved the shirt to see a cut in his hand that looked quite deep and had bled a lot. He was in the car and was fighting to get the back of his cell phone off and was using a knife to open it, and it slipped and got his palm. He panicked when it started to heavily bleed and grabbed one of the spare shirts that I kept in the car, wrapped it around his hand and turned around for home. I took him to a CareNow facility, but first he made me call Burnett's to say he couldn't make it, where they stitched it up for him and sent us on our way. So that put the job finding thing back a little because he had to reschedule a meeting with Burnett's. So we are hoping to hear from them soon, and in the mean time we are looking at some other avenues.
Things are going well with my job at Nordstrom Rack, I enjoyed working in shoes but there are a lot of changes being made in the department. Our manager just moved up to be a manager in one of the full line stores, and we are losing a lot of associates. So the shoe team is hurting, I feel bad for the friends that I have made in that department; but not too bad because I am one of the ones leaving the department. I am moving to the customer service department. This will be a big blessing because I enjoy working up at customer service more, it pays more hourly, and I get a sort of commission off of every new Nordstrom Rewards account that is opened. I am hoping that this will be more enjoyable and that it will help our finances a little more. I am nervous to go up to customer service because I have never worked in a situation where there is a focus on opening up those new accounts, but in the last month or so I have opened about 8 or so just from being on the sales floor, so I think I will be okay. But I am excited too!
Something more exciting (for me anyways) is that in about 2 weeks I will finally be done with the treatments for my endometriosis. For those who haven't been following us from the start I will do a quick recap. I had to have surgery on the first of february because they suspected endometriosis was the cause of a lot of problems I had been having for quite some time, and really the only way to be sure that that's what it really is is through surgery. They did find some smaller spots, and some larger ones and they took care of it. But after the surgery I had to go on a round of medication that lasted six months total. It was two injections, that lasted 3 months a piece. This medication has caused quite a bit of discomfort including, but not limited to hot flashes; and hot flashes during a Texas summer is super not fun. So in two weeks or so my final injection will have worn off (or mostly anyways) and we will begin the next phase of precautions to prevent it for coming back soon. We know it will come back, but we are trying to do everything we can to hold that off as long as possible. I am excited for the hot flashes and stuff to stop, and Glen is excited for the mood swings to stop. It's win win. :) So there are a lot of big and exciting things coming our way.
In about three weeks or so Glen and I will have been married for a year. I cannot believe it has been that long already, it still feels like yesterday. This year has been....interesting, to say the least. But we've agreed that it's been worth it. Thanks to all the wonderful friends and family who have supported us and stayed along side us through this year. Your help has not gone unnoticed and we are very appreciative.
After that, fall semester of school starts up again and the super nerd inside of me is very excited. Especially, for my education classes. I guess that's a good sign though, considering I want to be a teacher. This semester (if all goes as planned) will be Glen's last semester, and he will graduate in December. He is very excited to be done with school and have his degree. It has definitely been a long time coming.
After that, fall semester of school starts up again and the super nerd inside of me is very excited. Especially, for my education classes. I guess that's a good sign though, considering I want to be a teacher. This semester (if all goes as planned) will be Glen's last semester, and he will graduate in December. He is very excited to be done with school and have his degree. It has definitely been a long time coming.
Coming up this next week is my Dad's birthday. Happy birthday Daddy. Love you tons and I am so glad you were borned. ;).
So that's us for right now. Things are changing fast and there will be a lot coming our way this next little bit-so stay tuned!
“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds
sang there except those that sang best.”
-Henry van Dyke
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Time flies
Man...it's amazing how time can get away from you isn't it? Well all is well here, busy but we are doing well. Glen is still working at Vandergriff Toyota, and the Spring semester is getting closer and closer to being over which I think he is excited about. After that Fall semester is his last semester, which means we will be going to Idaho in December so he can walk the stage, which I think I want him to do more than he actually wants to do it. But he's worked hard and deserves that! But I have been told that I am not allowed to make banners or engage in "whooping" of any kind. But here's the catch in that...he'll be on the stage aka in no position to stop me. :). I am still at Nordstrom Rack which is going well. It's always better when it's busy because then my shifts go by fast. It's kinda hard right now because Glen works 10 and 12 hour days, and lately by the time he gets out of work, I am only half way through my shift so we usually don't get to be back together again at the end of the day until about 11 o'clock at night. That's kind of hard, but we still have our solid weekly date nights which I think we both soak in. So we're working hard, or hardly working. I suppose that's up to your discretion. :).
We are very excited because we have an apartment here that we will be moving into in 10 days. We are both very excited. We have been so blessed to have wonderful family that has been so willing to help us and be patient with us the past several months. But we are excited to have our own space, and give my parents back their space as well. Our apartment hunting is one more thing that tells us we are not in the "Rexburg Bubble" anymore. A lot of the housing in Rexburg has utilities included in the rent; here we are going to have the new experience of paying utility bills. I have said before and I will probably say again in the future, I am incredibly cheap. Some call it frugal, I am not afraid to admit that it is just plain cheap. So I foresee several nights of sitting in the dark (by choice). I am also a planner, sometimes to a fault. I do all my research before I make a move so I have talked to probably every electricity provider in our area for prices and all the details. I think they'll probably start to warn each other about me. But I am all for not spending anymore money than absolutely necessary. Anyways, (sorry...I got side tracked) I will be going to look at our apartment tomorrow morning to make sure all is well and good, then we will dot the i's and cross the t's and we will be all set! We are intrigued to see how our Charlie does adjusting to the new space, and the fewer number of people to play with him but we have been directed to bring him with us when we visit my parents' house. He's kind of like our baby right now. :)
After that we will be working to save the money up to go and get our stuff from Rexburg. My dad has been awesome to volunteer is time and service to help with that. So while everyone else is looking forward to the onset of summer, we are looking forward to the end of it because that means we are all settled here in Texas and can get more normalcy which I think is exactly what we need. I will post pictures of our new place and post them at a later date.
I am still loving my calling! Those kids are so sweet and it makes me so happy to see them so excited about the songs they're singing. This last Sunday they sang in Sacrament meeting for Father's Day and it was so fun to see how proud they were to sing to their dads! Also, in looking through the primary songs I noticed how much I loved the simplicity of the gospel principles in the primary songs. I think Heavenly Father understands that my mind works and is taught quite similarly to a child's, and I am relearning all of these sweet simple principles that I think sometimes get lost in the shuffle.
We looked at each other the other day and realized that we have already been married for almost a year. We can't believe how fast this year has gone. We have agreed that we have changed a lot over the last year and have loved getting to know each other, and getting used to each other.
We are so so grateful for all of our supportive friends, and especially family. We have definitely been blessed and that is not lost on us. We're learning, working, and tryin' to have some fun in there too! We've got a lot of big stuff coming up for us and are excited for the upcoming stages of our lives together!
We are very excited because we have an apartment here that we will be moving into in 10 days. We are both very excited. We have been so blessed to have wonderful family that has been so willing to help us and be patient with us the past several months. But we are excited to have our own space, and give my parents back their space as well. Our apartment hunting is one more thing that tells us we are not in the "Rexburg Bubble" anymore. A lot of the housing in Rexburg has utilities included in the rent; here we are going to have the new experience of paying utility bills. I have said before and I will probably say again in the future, I am incredibly cheap. Some call it frugal, I am not afraid to admit that it is just plain cheap. So I foresee several nights of sitting in the dark (by choice). I am also a planner, sometimes to a fault. I do all my research before I make a move so I have talked to probably every electricity provider in our area for prices and all the details. I think they'll probably start to warn each other about me. But I am all for not spending anymore money than absolutely necessary. Anyways, (sorry...I got side tracked) I will be going to look at our apartment tomorrow morning to make sure all is well and good, then we will dot the i's and cross the t's and we will be all set! We are intrigued to see how our Charlie does adjusting to the new space, and the fewer number of people to play with him but we have been directed to bring him with us when we visit my parents' house. He's kind of like our baby right now. :)
After that we will be working to save the money up to go and get our stuff from Rexburg. My dad has been awesome to volunteer is time and service to help with that. So while everyone else is looking forward to the onset of summer, we are looking forward to the end of it because that means we are all settled here in Texas and can get more normalcy which I think is exactly what we need. I will post pictures of our new place and post them at a later date.
I am still loving my calling! Those kids are so sweet and it makes me so happy to see them so excited about the songs they're singing. This last Sunday they sang in Sacrament meeting for Father's Day and it was so fun to see how proud they were to sing to their dads! Also, in looking through the primary songs I noticed how much I loved the simplicity of the gospel principles in the primary songs. I think Heavenly Father understands that my mind works and is taught quite similarly to a child's, and I am relearning all of these sweet simple principles that I think sometimes get lost in the shuffle.
We looked at each other the other day and realized that we have already been married for almost a year. We can't believe how fast this year has gone. We have agreed that we have changed a lot over the last year and have loved getting to know each other, and getting used to each other.
We are so so grateful for all of our supportive friends, and especially family. We have definitely been blessed and that is not lost on us. We're learning, working, and tryin' to have some fun in there too! We've got a lot of big stuff coming up for us and are excited for the upcoming stages of our lives together!
"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude"
~Cynthia Ozick
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Everything is looking UP :)
I have been super slacking with this! I am sorry! I will pick up where I left off. I started my job at Nordstrom Rack and have been there for a little over a month and it is going well! I love shoes and I really enjoy working with and helping the customers. One benefit also that I hadn't thought of before was that I am constantly moving, so I get plenty of exercise. The interview that I had mentioned before did not work out like we planned...BUT "as we speak" Glen is at an orientation for his new job! He is working as a car salesman at Vandergriff Toyota. The wait on the job for him was definitely a test on our patience, but this job is without a doubt an answered prayer. Glen is a little nervous because this is something he hasn't done before, but I know that he will do great! So the next step for us is to get a little in the savings account for cushion, then move toward an apartment of our own! My parents have been awesome to let us stay here with them! We figure that Glen's first couple checks will go toward savings for an apartment, and mine will knock out some of the medical bills that we have. So we are excited to have a sense of normalcy.
Glen is in school this semester as well (he will be a busy man!) and he is working hard and doing well. He's got three science classes that he's taking right now and that's challenging for him because both of us struggle with that kind of stuff. But we had a lot of fun working on projects for his DNA class.He had to make one out of modeling clay, and one with candy. It was a lot of fun! But he has been working very hard to keep his grades up.
My calling is going well, I am learning different ways to teach the kids and I love doing it! I think that that has been a definite blessing.The combination of work, my calling, and trying to keep up with other stuff that I need to do combined with the medication that I am on wears me out pretty thoroughly and Glen has been very patient.
Last weekend was my niece's birthday and I was aching to be in New York, but I got to Skype with her and my nephew and wish her happy birthday. This made it a little easier. It was also mother's day and we would like you say thank you to all the wonderful moms that we have had the privilege of having them impact our life. Particularly our moms. Thank you to all you selfless women who give everything that you have to your children, it really does make an impact. Things are looking up, and we are continually plugging away!

Last weekend was my niece's birthday and I was aching to be in New York, but I got to Skype with her and my nephew and wish her happy birthday. This made it a little easier. It was also mother's day and we would like you say thank you to all the wonderful moms that we have had the privilege of having them impact our life. Particularly our moms. Thank you to all you selfless women who give everything that you have to your children, it really does make an impact. Things are looking up, and we are continually plugging away!
"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
-Frank A. Clark
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Things are getting better!
Hello, hello everyone! We will try to update you with everything that has happened since we last wrote. A lot has happened!
I wrote last time about my Aunt Linda. She passed away the day after I wrote that post. It was and is very hard for those of us who are left behind, but there is comfort in knowing that she is with my Uncle Gary again and my Grandma Friday. Both of which she missed terribly. My sisters and I were not able to go to NY for the services but my parents were able to set up their cell phones so we could listen to the memorial service. It wasn't quite the same but we were able to be there in a smaller way. It still seems surreal that she's not here; I never realized how much I thought about her and wanting to tell or ask her something until now.
Other than that, Glen and I are still pushing through. We have had a lot of stuff dumped on our plates the last few months but I think we are handling it pretty well. I got a calling at church which I am having so much fun with! I got called to be the Primary chorister and as I said...I am loving it! It makes me miss home sometimes because I would love to be able to do that with Justin in the primary and Lucy in the nursery. I do singing time with the junior and senior primary and the nursery kids. It's a lot of fun!
As of Saturday at midnight the semester is over and we have a little break, which is great. It's even better because our best friend Kassy is coming for a visit. Glen is doing spring semester as well, I am focusing on working and will start school again in September. Speaking of work, Glen had an interview yesterday that he feels went really well so we are keeping our fingers crossed. I had an interview last week with Nordstrom Rack in our local mall and I just found out about an hour ago that I got the job! MY first day is Monday! We are so excited because this means we have some income that we can put into savings and that we can get into our own apartment. So now we're hoping that Glen gets one very soon because that would be amazing! So we're excited about the things coming up and there's a lot coming up for us! Thanks to all the love and support from our friends and family!
Oh! I almost for got to introduce the new member of our family! This is our Chiweenie (part chiwawa, part doxen), Charlie!
I wrote last time about my Aunt Linda. She passed away the day after I wrote that post. It was and is very hard for those of us who are left behind, but there is comfort in knowing that she is with my Uncle Gary again and my Grandma Friday. Both of which she missed terribly. My sisters and I were not able to go to NY for the services but my parents were able to set up their cell phones so we could listen to the memorial service. It wasn't quite the same but we were able to be there in a smaller way. It still seems surreal that she's not here; I never realized how much I thought about her and wanting to tell or ask her something until now.
Other than that, Glen and I are still pushing through. We have had a lot of stuff dumped on our plates the last few months but I think we are handling it pretty well. I got a calling at church which I am having so much fun with! I got called to be the Primary chorister and as I said...I am loving it! It makes me miss home sometimes because I would love to be able to do that with Justin in the primary and Lucy in the nursery. I do singing time with the junior and senior primary and the nursery kids. It's a lot of fun!
As of Saturday at midnight the semester is over and we have a little break, which is great. It's even better because our best friend Kassy is coming for a visit. Glen is doing spring semester as well, I am focusing on working and will start school again in September. Speaking of work, Glen had an interview yesterday that he feels went really well so we are keeping our fingers crossed. I had an interview last week with Nordstrom Rack in our local mall and I just found out about an hour ago that I got the job! MY first day is Monday! We are so excited because this means we have some income that we can put into savings and that we can get into our own apartment. So now we're hoping that Glen gets one very soon because that would be amazing! So we're excited about the things coming up and there's a lot coming up for us! Thanks to all the love and support from our friends and family!
Oh! I almost for got to introduce the new member of our family! This is our Chiweenie (part chiwawa, part doxen), Charlie!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
So when I said "New Challenges"... I wasn't kidding.
Well...I think to say that this past month or so has been a whirlwind would be a huge understatement. I think this has been one of the most challenging times that I alone have had to face, not to mention Glen and I as a new couple. We're both doing full time school which takes up time and we're both looking for jobs. Glen actually had a job not too long ago but they had him working from 3-11:30pm and he was on mandatory over time for the following six weeks at least. This wouldn't have been a big deal however it had him working almost 60 hrs a week, 7 days a week and when you are a full time student that doesn't work. Glen started seeing his grades slip which was not okay with either of us, so we both felt that him getting his degree was our priority so we decided that he needed to find a more 9-5ish job. So the job hunt continues...
Aside from that in our family and personal lives have gone absolutely batty. The past month or so Glen and I have had to be apart for about two and a half weeks which of course is nothing compared to military families but it was not easy. I have an Aunt back in New York whose cancer became terminal but got rapidly worse which inspired an emergency trip to New York. My sisters and I had to say goodbye to her which is one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. It was even harder because Glen was still in Texas. It probably would've been slightly easier to take if I could've had a Glen hug.
About a week or so before I had to make my emergency trip to New York I had to have laparoscopic surgery for possible endometriosis. They did find some but were able to cauterize the spots pretty quickly and efficiently; I was very blessed to have an incredibly understanding and intuitive doctor who listened to all the things I had been complaining about for months and give us answers. I had been feeling sick since about a month or two after we got married and we complained about the myriad of symptoms to several doctors in Idaho all of which were essentially useless. They all basically threw their hands in the air and chalked it up to a hormone imbalance. About 2 or so weeks after we got to Texas my symptoms got worse-frequent dizzy spells, exhausted, and abdominal pain. After a late night visit to the emergency room for intense abdomen pain we finally got a hint at some answers and a few weeks later we knew what it was and had the solution worked out. I was a combination of grateful for the doctor and medical staff who helped us here, angry with the medical staff we saw in Rexburg, and relieved. So now I am fully recovered from the surgery and from here we start the medicinal treatment. For the next six months I will be going through rounds of shots to treat it and prevent it for a little while. I got my first one today and it wasn't that bad (thank goodness!). But we did find out that this would be something that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. So we will take it as it comes.
So we're going to be constantly on the move and there's a lot coming up the pike for us so....stay tuned!!
Hope you're life is a little less hectic than ours...and if it's not...we hope it's crazy in a good way!
Aside from that in our family and personal lives have gone absolutely batty. The past month or so Glen and I have had to be apart for about two and a half weeks which of course is nothing compared to military families but it was not easy. I have an Aunt back in New York whose cancer became terminal but got rapidly worse which inspired an emergency trip to New York. My sisters and I had to say goodbye to her which is one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. It was even harder because Glen was still in Texas. It probably would've been slightly easier to take if I could've had a Glen hug.
About a week or so before I had to make my emergency trip to New York I had to have laparoscopic surgery for possible endometriosis. They did find some but were able to cauterize the spots pretty quickly and efficiently; I was very blessed to have an incredibly understanding and intuitive doctor who listened to all the things I had been complaining about for months and give us answers. I had been feeling sick since about a month or two after we got married and we complained about the myriad of symptoms to several doctors in Idaho all of which were essentially useless. They all basically threw their hands in the air and chalked it up to a hormone imbalance. About 2 or so weeks after we got to Texas my symptoms got worse-frequent dizzy spells, exhausted, and abdominal pain. After a late night visit to the emergency room for intense abdomen pain we finally got a hint at some answers and a few weeks later we knew what it was and had the solution worked out. I was a combination of grateful for the doctor and medical staff who helped us here, angry with the medical staff we saw in Rexburg, and relieved. So now I am fully recovered from the surgery and from here we start the medicinal treatment. For the next six months I will be going through rounds of shots to treat it and prevent it for a little while. I got my first one today and it wasn't that bad (thank goodness!). But we did find out that this would be something that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. So we will take it as it comes.
So we're going to be constantly on the move and there's a lot coming up the pike for us so....stay tuned!!
Hope you're life is a little less hectic than ours...and if it's not...we hope it's crazy in a good way!
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
-Japanese Proverb
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
New Year & New Challenges
Happy 2012 friends and family! I hope it has been a great start for you! So the last time we posted it was finals time and we were getting ready to move. So I will go from there.
Glen and I both did pretty good when it comes to exams. I am very much a perfectionist so I didn't do as well as I wanted but Glen convinced me that my best was enough. This worked for now but, next semester I'll do tons better! ;) During finals week we got ourselves packed up and everything with help from some very nice priesthood members from our student ward (it was a very nice ward, we were very fortunate). Moving is so stressful and causes so much contention in life in general, which is one major reason I super don't like it. Anyways, We drove to Texas in two twelve hour days, only four of which my sweetheart let me drive. We stopped for the night at Brett and Corrine's (Glen's parents) after our first day drive and stayed there for a day. We were very lucky to be able to spend some time with both sides of the family during the holidays. We spent that Saturday and Glen's parents and just relaxed. We participated in Glen's family tradition of building a cookie train. This apparently makes me officially a Parmenter. I got to see some old pictures of Glen, which is always fun but next time I will definitely insist on videos. :) We watched a movie and rested up for our next day drive. We headed out Sunday morning at around 8 am. I was sorry we only had a brief time at Glen's parents but I was super anxious to see my family. It was a very long day and there is not much of anything on the route we were driving. Not to mention, I have this terrible inability to stay awake in the car (unless I am driving of course) so poor Glen was driving a lot of it alone. But we had a lot of good conversations and we laughed a lot. I usually am not a huge road trip fan, but this one was pretty good.When we finally got to my parents' house Glen made me wait to get out of the car until it was completely stopped (go figure :) ). But I ran inside and almost took out my Dad when I opened the door (he was putting on his shoes). It felt so good to be there! We slept a lot because we were so exhausted and then got right on the job hunt the next day.Now I guess it's on to talking about Christmas, which I never mind! Christmas is my favorite holiday and it was particularly special because it was our first Christmas as Mr. & Mrs. I was dying for Glen to open his gift from me, I think I was more excited than he was! We had a great Christmas with my family, but it was a little strange having no little ones here for Christmas. They always make it so much more fun. But we did get pictures from my brother Chris of Justin and Lucy opening their gifts. It was a nice relaxing Christmas.
New Years was just as relaxed. We went to see a movie as a family then just spent time together eating and drinking the tasty Shirley Temples my daddy made. The clock turned to midnight and we brought in the New Year with some sparkling grape juice and a kiss :). What's better than that?
We've done tons of job applications and Glen and I actually both got responses expressing interest. We're hoping and praying for interviews and employment to come. Things are already looking up though. We've been in Texas two weeks and are already closer to a job than we were in Rexburg, definitely answered prayers. We've done some looking at apartments and we think we found the one we're looking to get into, now it's about getting the jobs and then going and getting our stuff from Idaho (thank you Daddy and Glen). We've been staying at my parents and they're so nice about us being here. They insist we aren't getting in the way but we're trying to help out so we really don't. The semester starts tomorrow and Glen and I are both already about a week ahead because we've already done the introduction week stuff. We're such geeks, but we both want to keep boostin' our GPA. That's all for now. But I'll post some pictures. I'll write more next month! :).
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This is Justin with the gift we got him. |
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We all tried to fit on the couch...this worked for a brief time. :) |
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Our niece Lucy opening the dog we got her. |
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Meg bought us all hats and matching shirts. Ha. Christmas with the Sykes :) |
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Glen opening my gift :) :D |
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My gift from Glen. Vera Bradley! :) |
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In our Sunday clothes. |
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Merry Christmas from the Parmenters! |
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