Sunday, March 20, 2016

Updates of All Kinds

   Hello everyone! First things first, I was not able to keep up the frequent updates with our last challenge because of school. But Glen and I each lost at least 10 pounds and several inches. I accidentally threw away our paper where we kept our exact stats. Unfortunately, Glen had to finish our challenge without me because in the middle of it I went to the emergency room with what turned out to be a gallbladder attack. This made it so that there were only some foods that didn't totally kill my stomach; lots of crackers and applesauce. But Glen did finish without me and did well. We're both still working on our goals of course and now that my gallbladder is out, we can work on them like we really want to.
   Glen has been working crazy hard at work. He's one of the ones that gets relied on the most. I am so grateful for him and everything that he does to keep us going while I finish my schooling. He works long days and is the first one to step up and help me cut out something for the kids. He's been a life saver during all of this and every day he does something like this or willingly works a 12 hour day I don't think I could possibly appreciate or love him anymore. But then he does it again or sleeps on the floor for me, and somehow I do love him even more. I am amazed at his perseverance. He works then comes home and puts everything he has into his business. Which seems to be growing and doing well.
   As for me, I spend literally half of my days at the elementary school. I just switched to the second half of my placement. One thing I learned from all of my time in third grade is that I never realized how much I could love so many children who were not related to me. Each and every one of those kids is different and each one of them taught me something. There were a lot of challenges along the way but I love those kids and I miss them bunches. That sounds really dumb to say since they're just upstairs from where I am right now but it's true. But this has made me so excited to go back down to kindergarten. I got to know those kiddos some from being there one day a week but I am so excited to get that time with the kinder kiddos. I am two months from graduation and time is flying, but it's taken so long to get to this point that I am kind of okay with it. Now comes the end stretch, what does that mean? Finishing my student teaching, taking my last (and biggest) certification test, and job hunting. Whew!
    We hope life is treating you well. One thing Glen and I have talked about a lot lately how it is becoming more necessary for us to hear about the good in the world. People just being decent human beings. Nothing extravagant or over the top, just decent people. So I am ending this post like Ellen Degeneres ends many of her shows. Be kind to one another.