Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We're All In!

   Hello hello everyone! This is a sort of update on what we're doing. So read it if you want, don't if you don't...whatever!
   So as many know Glen and I did our first 24 Day Challenge back in the end of May and we saw amazing results! If you didn't see those, feel free to go here. We were PUMPED! We tried to do another challenge in the fall (I think...?) but I had some medical issues that sidelined derailed blew up that idea. So that was discouraging. After our first challenge we kept going for a while, but in the name of full disclosure, we slipped back into old habits. Sometimes it's less expensive (or seemingly so) to buy food that's not as healthy or refrain from getting the supplements and multivitamins that our bodies need in the name of the budget. Don't get me wrong, the budget thing is valid! But we learned the hard way (again) that it totally takes you off track and takes a toll on our body.
   With the new year we spent a good chunk of time looking at our life style. It was not easy and it was not comfortable.Glen signed up for a budgeting/spending website called Mint and it categorizes our spending and let me tell ya...holy crap! We spent so much money without even realizing it on like take out and stuff because we had no groceries. As soon as we saw that we agreed that the money that went towards that last year is going towards a healthier us this year. No doubt. We knew we had to do this again and really stick to it. We knew we had to find the value in the investment into our health. This meant being okay using some money on our challenges that before would have gone to take out. It meant being okay with ignoring the junk food cravings in the name of fueling our bodies.
   After we had decided to do this we saw an episode of Biggest Loser where they were giving the nutrition information (like....all of it) of some of the popular junk foods that a lot of Americans especially eat. It was the popular mall food court food and watching it actually made us so sick to our stomach that we couldn't even finish what we were eating. All of this helped us make the very easy decision to jump All-In with thousands of other challengers nation wide.
   So we're holding ourselves accountable even more than before (partly inspired by my sister-in-law Holly being so transparent with her goals and process). We seriously fell off the wagon and we want back on for good. Today was day one.

   To put this out there is really hard for me. I am a perfectionist so the fact that I failed at staying on that path really sucks. I let my life and my busy schedule get in the way; basically I said everything else in my life was worth more than investing (both time and monetarily) in myself. That is something that I always have had an issue with; Glen has pointed that out about me too. I tend to give every bit of time and energy to other things and people that I have nothing for myself. So I am trying to be okay with spending money on healthy food to take care of myself (and obviously Glen too). I'm trying to be okay with taking an hour at the gym as an investment in myself. So here are my starting stats; officially the heaviest I've ever been and the most unhealthy I have ever felt. No the pictures aren't good ones...it was before bed and I was sleepy! :)

Weight: 157.2 lbs
Chest: 36.5 in
Waist: 29.5 in
Hips: 36.25 in
Thighs: 20 in

 I came into this constantly feeling tired. Coming home at the end of the day just tired and wanting to munch! I am a stress eater...for sure. Not to mention just feeling super gross all the time.

I was so excited to get started today and I had some serious wins! First of all the kiddos in my class today started a fundraiser selling chocolate...sorry kids Mrs. P isn't buying any chocolate this time but I'll try to find someone who might! They were learning fractions with candy and I realized how totally mindlessly I munched when I had a Hershey kiss in my hand without even realizing I had picked it up. I was completely shocked at myself and put it right back down. Win #1. After about a ten hour day at school when it would have been easy to say that I didn't want to go to the gym, I drank my Spark and my Rehydrate and buckled down. Win #2. Lastly, with my endometriosis makes it so there are days when I am in a lot of pain just because. Today was one of those days but I pushed through our workout anyway. I hurt like crazy afterwards but it was worth it. I invested in myself and I felt good for it. Win #3.

I am now home, worn out in the best way, snuggled up with my boy in one of his sweatshirts. I'm finishing up this post, looking at some school work, then going to bed on time. A successful day one...on to
day two!

Weight: 233
Chest 43 in.
Waist: 45 3/4 in.
Hips: 44 1/4 in.
Thighs: 24.5 in.

This is Glen speaking now giving some of my own thoughts and opinions. After going without our healthy routine for a good amount of months I can honestly say I am incredibly stoked to getting back to this CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE routine!

Even though I am a bit tired at first getting up in the mornings, I enjoy the time with my wife and knowing that we are on our way to being healthier and having a long life together.

The first days typically of each challenge are the hardest but this third go round I found that it was so easy to get up and start the day out.

My absolute favorite product which I will say over and over and over and over and over is SPARK! This product for me is not just about giving me maintained energy through out the day but it allows me to be more focused and productive working on.  My wife has mentioned in previous posts on here and on her facebook page so now I am going to mention it again.
   I own an online custom graphic apparel company Shirts Just For You and because I am so confident in these challenges I am offering to anyone and everyone that is willing to purchase a 24 day challenge I will give them a free shirt with one of my recent new motivational shirts DONT QUIT which you can see here. Let's get started. This is your year!