Hello everyone! Look at me, two posts in two consecutive months! Wow! We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday with their friends and family.Before we left for Colorado we did one of the big Sykes family
traditions which was making anise cookies. Everybody participated, even
Caelan! We spent Christmas in Colorado with Glen's side of the family; we got to spend a whole week there and we had a lot of fun! It was an adventure flying there stand by but it was super easy getting home (surprisingly enough). We got to spend a lot of time with family that we haven't seen in a long time. We played a lot of card games, watched movies, made a cookie train with the nieces, and shopped. It was a lot of fun. We watched this really awesome DVD on Christmas Eve that I absolutely loved. It totally brought the spirit of Christmas; unfortunately I can't remember the name of it! I will have to ask Hillary. On Christmas morning Glen woke up early (not quite as early as the kiddos...but pretty close (: ) and we waited for all the kids to be awake to go upstairs and see the Christmas tree and everything. It was so cute to see all the kids so excited. One Christmas Eve the Parmenter side has a tradition where each family gets a Christmas book to take home, we hear the Webb family story of Skat the dog, and then we read the Nativity story out of the scriptures. Here are some of the pictures from Christmas time, the ones from
Glen's parents' house I stole from Corrine, I am just waiting for her to
post the others! :)
Caelan (with pants on his head) cutting out his first Anise cookie. |
Now one without the pants on his head. |
Rueger checking out his rocking horse. |
Darby and her fancy new science kit. |
Making the Frozen themed cookie train. |
Montanna and her bow and arrow. |
Poor Eden had been sick so she's wrapped up in Uncle Glen's sweatshirt listening to the Christmas book we all received. |
Happy boy on Christmas |
The results of Eden's new make up kit. |
Our family picture. |
The whole Parmenter side of the Family. | | | | | | | | | | |
When we got home we realized that one of the souvenirs we brought home was the cold type thing Eden had. So we spent a couple days relaxing and trying to feel a little better. Then we did Christmas with my side of the family on New Year's Eve. Then we brought in the New Year with the "Christmas" dinner with my side of the family.
My birthday nails! |
Since then we have been bracing ourselves for the semester to start. Glen is working on his t shirt business and looking for full time work so we can get the benefits while he works on getting his business of the ground. Today Glen celebrated my birthday with me. My actually birthday is on a Sunday so he's making dinner for me tomorrow night and he's making me a cake! Today we went to see the matinee (yay for cheap seats!) of the newest Night at the Museum and had lunch. Then we went to do some errands we had to do. Glen spoiled me a bit too! He took me to get my nails done which I have only gotten done a few times but I really like how they look. I thought that was my birthday present but later he told me to stand up and close my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was wearing an apron (for those that know me well, this should come off as odd). And there was an envelope in the pocket. It was a groupon I had seen for an online cooking class! I have said a bunch of times that I wanted to take a cooking class but with my full time school I never thought I would have time to actually go to one to make it worth the money. I love to cook but I want to learn to make more. I am so excited! It's 12 months worth of online cooking class that I can start after this semester is over! So far it has been a great birthday.
My cooking class certificate! |
My semester starts Tuesday. I can't say I am really looking forward to it. It's going to be really hectic and really hard but hopefully I will do well. I am really glad that I have Glen to back me up and help make it easier. Once I get done with this semester, I will only have 3 left! I see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Like I said, Glen is looking for work and trying to stay busy. He does some stuff on the side to help bring in income that he enjoys. We're hoping to find the right position for him, that he enjoys and works well for us.
That's all for now! :)