Hello everyone! I pretty much knew I wouldn't write again until the end of my semester because I knew that it would be a busy one. I'll try to catch up what we missed but update on what's going on now.
In my last post I mentioned that Glen went to Colorado. I would have gone too except that my lovely Sister was on the "anytime now" schedule for having her lovely baby. Of course I posted my last post on July 2nd, and we got a text in the wee morning hours saying "thunder cats are go! we're already at the hospital." I don't think either of Glen or I have gotten up and moving that fast like...ever. But after a very long day for Mommy and Daddy Caelan joined a pretty awesome and Crazy family weighing in at 10 lbs 9 oz and 22 1/4 inches long. We were lucky enough to be able to be at the hospital and give him snuggles, and hugs to Mom and Dad just about an hour or 2 after he was born.
He's five months old now, and so big and doing all sorts of wonderfully adorable things and growing far too fast.
I started my semester in the end of August and it had me running from the get go. It was my first semester in the actual education program and it was my first time in a classroom. What an amazing experience it was! I got to observe and learn a lot of things that I would love to take to my classroom and I got to teach my first lesson. That totally fueled the "this is why I want to be a teacher..." fire. The work took a lot of time and there was a ton of reading. But as of this last Friday, I finished the semester and am loving it! I really wanted to end it with a bang grade wise. It won't be as bang-ish as I wanted, but there was definitely more of a sizzle-bang, and that's not half bad.
Glen's big news is that he has this t-shirt business that he has been trying to get momentum with for a while and in the past few months he has done so well! Especially the military moms shirts; it's so cool to see something he has worked so hard on take off and do so well. Plus it makes me excited to see him so happy and excited. His website has shirts and a bunch of other stuff. My favorites are the cancer shirts and the monarch butterfly tank top. Here's the link if you want to check it out! https://squareup.com/market/shirtsjustforyou. So you should check it out! That's the big news Glen wants to share.
This Thanksgiving we were lucky enough to be able to have my brother, his wife, and children come to Texas so we can have a whole Sykes family Thanksgiving. They were here for ten whole days and we loved every single second of it. Glen and I got to have the kiddos to ourselves several times. He loved that they got to get to know him better and he loved getting to know them. They have such hilarious personalities; we even started writing down "Lucy-isms" because they were just too good not to write down. Justin is so funny and very sweet, which is how he's always been but it's nice to see he's still a sweet kid as he gets older. Can't say I'm surprised given their parents. Some of the big highlights were going ice skating and seeing Santa at the big mall here in Dallas and getting the kiddos their own cowboy/girl boots. Let me tell ya having a 4 year old girl choose her cowboy boots from a big selection of colorful and some sparkly ones, not easy. We also got family pictures taken for the first time since like 2007 or 2008. Here are some of the pictures from the trip (I did put most of them on facebook too, but it's a good looking bunch so I brag (: ). Sorry they're spaced funky, I am technologically deficient.
Some Thanksgiving day shenanigans.
Mom's birthday at Babe's, fun in the park, and watching the Christmas parade.
Meeting Santa and Caelan's first lemon.
Meeting Santa and ice skating.
Ice skating
Some of the family photos.
Now that I have blown up the blog post with our pictures, I will wrap it up! Glen and I leave the 21st to go to Colorado for Christmas. We are very excited to get to see both whole sides of the family so close together. I get to meet Rueger for the first time too, I just wish it didn't take so long. We love all or family and friends and we wish we could see everyone more frequently. We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Last Thanksgiving we went with Brett, Corrine, and Britney to see the Forgotten Carols. If you have the chance to go (I realize it's late in the season), please do. I had not felt the spirit so strongly in a long time. Now when it's Christmas time (and sometimes not during Christmas time) I listen to the soundtrack just to feel that again. I put a couple videos of my favorite clips. It was not easy, because I love them all, but here are a couple that I'll use to close my post. Enjoy your holidays!