I have been super slacking with this! I am sorry! I will pick up where I left off. I started my job at Nordstrom Rack and have been there for a little over a month and it is going well! I love shoes and I really enjoy working with and helping the customers. One benefit also that I hadn't thought of before was that I am constantly moving, so I get plenty of exercise. The interview that I had mentioned before did not work out like we planned...BUT "as we speak" Glen is at an orientation for his new job! He is working as a car salesman at Vandergriff Toyota. The wait on the job for him was definitely a test on our patience, but this job is without a doubt an answered prayer. Glen is a little nervous because this is something he hasn't done before, but I know that he will do great! So the next step for us is to get a little in the savings account for cushion, then move toward an apartment of our own! My parents have been awesome to let us stay here with them! We figure that Glen's first couple checks will go toward savings for an apartment, and mine will knock out some of the medical bills that we have. So we are excited to have a sense of normalcy.

Glen is in school this semester as well (he will be a busy man!) and he is working hard and doing well. He's got three science classes that he's taking right now and that's challenging for him because both of us struggle with that kind of stuff. But we had a lot of fun working on projects for his DNA class.He had to make one out of modeling clay, and one with candy. It was a lot of fun! But he has been working very hard to keep his grades up.

My calling is going well, I am learning different ways to teach the kids and I love doing it! I think that that has been a definite blessing.The combination of work, my calling, and trying to keep up with other stuff that I need to do combined with the medication that I am on wears me out pretty thoroughly and Glen has been very patient.
Last weekend was my niece's birthday and I was aching to be in New York, but I got to Skype with her and my nephew and wish her happy birthday. This made it a little easier. It was also mother's day and we would like you say thank you to all the wonderful moms that we have had the privilege of having them impact our life. Particularly our moms. Thank you to all you selfless women who give everything that you have to your children, it really does make an impact. Things are looking up, and we are continually plugging away!
"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
-Frank A. Clark