As anyone who has been following our posts knows, this has been a
crazy semester for us both. But we can see the end in sight and we are giving it all the steam we've got until the end. We realized over Thanksgiving break that we have a few weeks until our move to Texas and so we're doing some finals prep and packing too. I've got an awesome visiting teacher who said she could get us boxes (one of them works at Wal-Mart and the other works at Broulims). This is a fabulous blessing! We've called and gotten our storage unit reserved now all that has to happen is getting the stuff in the unit and packing up the car and going! We are excited to see almost all my family over Christmas and then hopefully not too long after be able to go to New York to see the rest. But I am jumping the gun a bit.
Since our last post we've been busy, like I said. But we've also had a lot of fun too. Glen saw how stressed I had been getting so he told me one Wednesday that our upcoming date night would be particularly special and that I definitely could
not being my homework. He sent me away that Friday afternoon to spend some time with my best friend and a few hours later texted me telling me he was waiting for me outside. So I go outside and see him at our car with beautiful flowers which I loved. But I also learned that I have to get a vase because while the pitcher worked okay this time....I don't think they will next time. He then took me to dinner and we stayed the night at a hotel where we could just relax. Which was great! It's hard to think about what else happened when it feels like forever ago. It was our best friend's birthday so we had a little party of sorts for her. It was a lot of fun!
The flowers Glen got for me :) |
Kassy and the birthday present we got her. |
We spent Thanksgiving in Dillon, Montana with Glen's family. This is the first time I met his sisters in law, his (now our) nieces, and any of his extended family. I was super super nervous but it went tons better than I anticipated (I don't consider myself to be very good with first impressions, I have a tendency to be incredibly awkward). The family was really nice and made me feel comfortable right away. His nieces were little sweethearts and I loved playing with them and getting to know their awesome personalities. It made me miss my side of the family a lot too. I missed my parents and my sisters and brother in law but it was a lot easier knowing I'd see them in less than a month. I really missed my brother, sister in law, Justin, and Lucy. I called them but it was a busy day for everyone so I didn't get to talk much. I missed my grandparents and aunts and uncles but the Parmenters made it a lot easier because they were so nice to me. Glen was so excited to see and spend time with his nieces he was practically flying out the door when it was time to go, it was great to see him get that time. We got to drive Frank, Hilary (sorry if I didn't spell that right), and Darby to the airport which was cool cause we got a little extra time with them. We got back to our apartment and it was quite literally
freezing. We only turn the heat on when we're home mostly because we're cheap and don't want to pay for it. So we came in, dropped our bags, and wrapped ourselves up in blankets until we felt the heat kick in. We didn't take many pictures because Glen's mom took like a million, so we may steal some of hers and post them on here later. :)
That's pretty much it for now. It's coming down to finals and move time like I said so we probably won't be able to write on here again until almost the new year. So have a great
Christmas! Enjoy the time with your families and friends!!
"Our greatest glory consists in not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
~Oliver Goldsmith